The GrillBlazer GrillGun has got to be my all-time favorite way to start a fire.
What is it about fire that's just so intriguing? It's so mesmerizing and it just calls you in to gaze at it for hours at a time. Fire is a truly impressive force. There's a reason pyrotechnics is used in big events and concerts. It's always a crowd pleaser and elevates the overall experience.
Surely BBQs in your backyard are already an impressive experience with the delicious food you produce on your grills. But just picture it:
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Your backyard, a small handful of guests (obviously keeping it small for the sake of COVID), everyone enjoying the tasty morsels you've just served up. There's a chill in the air as the sun sets and your guests begin to circle up around the firepit in hopes that you'll soon start a fire.
You step inside to retrieve your GrillGun from the garage and return to the backyard. "Stand back," you warn your guests as you begin to light your GrillGun. Once everyone has cleared a safe distance you ignite the gun to it's full capacity and spray your log cabin of properly dried wood splits and kindling with flames.

The crowd erupts with gasps and exclamations as they watch you do what you do. 30 seconds later, the fire is fully established and your best friend hands you an ice cold beverage in congratulations and admiration.
I mean, I don't want to oversell it at all. But I want to prepare you for how impressive the GrillBlazer GrillGun experience really is.
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What is the GrillGun?
The GrillBlazer GrillGun is a handheld torch, fueled by propane gas. It can either be hooked up to a small portable 1 pound propane bottle, or attached to your 20 or 30 pound propane tank with an 8 foot hose.
The GrillGun works fast and effectively to light both charcoal and wood grills.
How does the GrillGun work?
1. Connect your GrillGun to your preferred fuel source, whether that's a portable propane can or a tank using an 8 foot hose.
2. If you're using a tank, turn on its fuel valve.
3. Turn on the GrillGun's fuel valve only slightly by rotating it counter clockwise.
4. Pull and release the trigger to ignite the gas flow. This will result in a small blue flame coming out of the fire bell.
5. You can now make the flame bigger or smaller by adjusting the gas valve on the GrillGun.
6. The handle trigger can also be used to produce a burst of flame intensity.
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Applications for the GrillBlazer GrillGun
Charcoal Grill
I use the GrillGun all the time to light charcoal (both lump and briquettes) for any one of my kamado grills using that fuel source. There is literally no other way I've ever seen that gets my outdoor charcoal grill burning and has me ready to grill faster.
Wood Grill
I use the GrillGun to light my wood grills including my Lone Star Grillz 24x48 offset smoker.
Outdoor Pizza Oven
While the GrillGun might bring a bit too much gusto for lighting our Ooni Karu 16, it's absolutely perfect for starting a fire in our Alfa 4 Pizze outdoor pizza oven.
Fire Pit
I also prefer using the GrillGun to light my Solo Stove Yukon, Bonfire, and Breeo Y fire pits. It takes less than 60 seconds to have a fire crackling away in my fire pit, with actual wood splits ignited and not just the kindling. It's just such a tremendous time saver!

Searing Protein
Perhaps the tastiest application for the GrillGun was the time I used it to make Tacos al Pastor in my Pit Barrel Cooker. After smoking a spit of marinated pork for a few hours, I used the GrillGun to sear the outside of the meat giving it the delicious char on the outside we all love about al Pastor.
GrillBlazer also makes a Su-VGun, which is probably the more appropriate tool for searing meat like this, but we were working with what we had on hand. The GrillBlazer Su-VGun is a perfect tool for reverse searing after cooking meat sous vide style or finishing creme brulee.

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What We Loved About the Grill Blazer GrillGun
Lights fire fast!
Whether I'm lighting a charcoal grill or wood, there is no faster way to start a roaring fire than with the GrillGun. I've tested all types of fire starters including the Looftlighter and the BBQ Dragon, and none get the job done as quickly as this impressive tool.
Aside from being totally effective at its job, it looks super cool in the process. Any time I've used it in front of guests, they ooh and aah and then ask if they can have a turn to try.
Many applications
From lighting campfires, to charcoal grills, to giving meat a good quick sear, there are a lot of different ways this tool can be used.
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Things we don't love about the GrillBlazer GrillGun
Consumes fuel quickly
This of course depends on how much you're using it, but I kind of feel like I'm constantly replacing the small portable propane bottles. But I suppose that's also further evidence of how much I actually use this tool. It's a lot. I should probably consider picking up the 8 foot hose and using an actual tank.
Challenging to store
The Grillblazer Grill Gun can’t be stored laying down with a canister attached. If you do so, it activates the safety and shuts down the fuel supply until you take the canister off to reset it.
It does come with a convenient vertical stand that can be attached to make setting it down while keeping the liquid propane bottle upright a little less awkward. But without the stand I find myself following my super impressive fire lighting presentation with an equally awkward how-can-I-set-this-down dance.
If I haven't already made myself perfectly clear, I absolutely love the GrillBlazer GrillGun. Yes there are plenty of other ways I could (and occasionally do) light my charcoal grill or fire pit. However, I almost always wish I had opted for the GrillGun instead. Not only is it faster, it's a ton more fun.
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